Happy 2009 to ya! I can't believe another year has come and gone-but it has! I think it's funny how with the new year comes a new attitude! Don't get me wrong,-I think it's great to keep yourself in check...I seem to do it more than once a year (more like 10 times a year)-however, when does it cross over to taking yourself too seriously (seriously)? I asked the people around me what they want in store for this new year and I heard alot of the familiar: Workout more, drop of few lbs., spend less $,have more free time-you get the picture. It got me thinking of how I want this year to go for me and my business,family, and personal life (yes-I have one).I have a feeling it will be a pivotal year in many ways and realized where specific goals are a must for any resolution-I want to look at the bigger picture. So here is what I want out of 2009:
To make a difference in the lives of the people around me.
Trust more, hesitate less.
Treat other's how you want to be treated-nice, BUT treat others how THEY want to be treated!
Look at myself long enough to ask, "Is this what I would want for my daughter's life?"
If I do anything, make sure it's done with kindness, grace, and truth.
LIVE my life, really live it!
These are the things I will be striving for in the New Year. I challenge everyone to take some time, sit back, and realize their true meaning, purpose, and path. I look forward to watching the world around me take on new shape. The word "beautiful" will earn new meaning...