Sunday, March 9, 2008

Like Mother,Like Son!

Instead of "Product of the Week"...I thought I would share a funny little story. I work out of my home office a good bit and the kids are always welcome to come in and out as they please (as a matter of fact I have Matchbox cars racing up and down my leg as I write this and can here Alexis behind me pulling paper out of the printer piece by piece)-you get the picture. The other day my soon to be 4 year old son was within earshot reading one of his favorite books, I called out to him to check in and noticed he was a bit quiet. A few seconds later he came into the office, walked up to me with a chapstick and said,"Mommy, do fish lips so I can put this on you-I want to make you look so pretty. Look Mommy, I working like you!" Now- I have to be honest that I teared up at this sweet moment. We have come a long way from swirling Mommy's brushes in the toilette (don't worry, not brushes from my kit) crazy as they sometimes drive me, my children are my life-here's to another patch on the quilt of my life!

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