Sunday, September 21, 2008

So Excited!

I am so excited, I can barely stand it. Let me start off by explaining that of course I am a huge advocate of investing in top of the line make up brushes. If you take care of them properly they will last you for years and years. While I have added and replaced a few brushes here and there-I have basically had the same "working" brush set since I started this business over 7 years ago. I have custom cut them, glued them back onto their handles, and given them more baths than my two babies have had put together. I know them like the back of my hand and can use them with my eyes closed. You can't even find brushes like this anymore.I know this will sound SO cheesey, but when I think about how many faces these brushes have touched-I get a bit emotional. (Forget cheesey, that sounds flat out crazy!).To the handsome John Edwards... to the sassy Dorthea Benton the countless beautiful Brides. If these brushes could talk, oh boy-would they have some stories. With that being said, it is time-time to retire this set that has served me so well. I bought a new brush set (27 NARS brushes) and I couldn't be more excited. For me it's like getting a new car, you know how to drive- but it feels different and you have to learn the new features. You even have that amazing new leather smell from the brush wrap! Anyway...I hope there is someone out there who can share in my (over) enthusiasm for my new found friends. Even if it's just you Margaret! See you all next week!

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