Happy Spring 2013!
Can you believe it is the first day of Spring?!
It was a gorgeous day here in Charleston! We have been busy, but we are about to get real busy~but before we hit the ground running, we decided to take a little bit of time to switch gears and get revved up for Spring.
We will get to the make up part later, but thought we would share some of the fun festivities of getting our Spring ON!
For us, it's starts with a fabulous facial and an eye brow clean up (I personally go back and forth between waxing and threading)~amazing what a good brow job will do-can we say instant face lift??
Next, we call our girl Heather who owns the best mobile tanning service in town~
Lowcountry Mobile Tanning.
She comes over, pops up her gear and in less than 20 minutes you are golden & glowing! I like the luxury of an at home spray tan, because drying is one of the most important parts of the process (inside secret-if you can walk around in your birthday suit for about an hour, it dries perfectly-NO streaking, well I guess a little "streaking",lol!!).
Lastly, we hit our favorite spa for some girl time and a fresh pedicure!
After months in tights and boots, nothing feels fresher than the first spring pedicure! The hardest part is picking out a fresh, new, juicy color-I like bright toes and there are SO many to choose from!
So there you have it, Spring Fever has hit and we are well on our way to all things, pretty~flirty~poppy~ & FABulous!!
Happy Spring Chickies!! xo