Monday, December 15, 2008

Fabulous and over 45!

I am always on the lookout for a great book or magazine, that is not only fun to read-but that will also break down the 411 on anything beauty related. My Grandmother said,"Knowledge is power" and I believe her. I also believe that feeling good about yourself is empowering and if you are feeling good-you will DO good. I have been researching for some of our upcoming seminars and one of the topics I am looking forward to most is our Fabulous Over 50 workshop! I came across this book (and web site) and really like what this artist is doing! I was in Target when I saw this and they only had 2 copies on the shelves...the little elf in me is telling me to hop on and order a copy for each fabulous lady over 50 I know! I only hope that they would know I am only trying to "pay it forward" a bit, not trying to drop a hint (heehee).

Take a peak and let me know what you think!

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