Monday, March 16, 2009

Perfect Product!

We are always on the lookout for what we call "Perfect Products". Some products are obviously better than others and some frankly we just can't imagine living without.

Oil of Olay has really stepped up their game and has recently come out with new amazing products. They recognize that people are still spending on their beauty routines, but they are spending more wisely. We have blogged before on the Regenerist Line and how much we love that! Our latest must have are their make up removing wipes! I believe they have 3 different kinds of wipes that remove make up, but these are our FAV! They are super moist, ready to go and take off ALL make up! We carry them in our kits and I have them in my car and gym bag! They are also great to keep in your bedside table for all you night owls who don't like to take your make up off before bed(gasp) and are perfect for traveling (they meet airline regulations)!

See for yourself and let us know what you think!

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