Monday, June 16, 2008

Product of the Week!

Okay, we are back to make up this week! I had something unfortunate happen to me over the weekend. I went out early Saturday morning to reload my car for my work day and noticed that my car had been broken onto (gasp)! After I realized how lucky I was that I didn't load my car up the night before, I started thinking...what would I do and what would be in my "back up" bag in the event my kits got lifted.

One of the first things packed would be these amazing pencils from Make Up Forever...I got these about a month ago and LOVE them. Use them as liner, use them as shadow-and they also make the perfect waterproof smokey eye. Although they can be a bit metalic, the colors are gorgeous and can be easily toned down by tapping a bit of shadow over them. They lock in and look fantastic-especially in 100 degree/100% humidity!! Bravo MU4Ever!

One last note- I have a strong feeling of who busted into my car...given the fact that the little grubbers took my pink cel phone, Chanel perfume, and personal make up case and NOT my Sirius Radio,or my is probably a couple of sad teenage girls who are out for the summer and already bored. Who knows, with my "moore make up" decal on the back of my car, maybe that flagged them that I would have "fun" stuff in my car-who knows really. As Justin Timberlake would say..."What Goes Around Comes Back Around". Karma girls...karma!

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